Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So Cody kept telling me that he couldn't see or hear and that I needed to take him to the doctor! This, my anal retentive son was wrong about his hearing . . . he scored perfectly on his hearing test so I know that the next time I tell him to clean his room, he can't use the excuse, "I never heard you!"

The eye site was a different story though. The doctor says that he's far sited (like my Mom, but no one else!) and even though it's not serious, he has to strain his eyes to see. Thus $320 later . . . .

. . . . . my little boy looks so grown up! Of course, he's excited to wear them now but I give it about 2 months and I'm sure it will be a new reason to argue with each other!
I think we all go through that stage when we're young, we want glasses because we see someone we think is cool wearing them and we want to be cool. I remember I had a pair of hideous purple rims with just plastic for lenses. I wore them my entire fifth grade year and even though I knew they weren't prescription, I never bothered to correct anyone who thought they were "real."

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