Thursday, May 28, 2009


OK, I'm at a cross roads and need your help!!

Cody wants to get a mohawk with electric blue tips this summer. I've checked with the daycare and they are OK with it. My dilemma is if I would be sending a bad message to him by allowing him to do it.

I think it's harmless but can definitely see how it could be influential to him at a young age. Would this lead to nose rings and tattoos or would letting him do it now just satisfy his hunger and save me the fight when he's at a more rebellious age??? Please chime in by answering the survey to the left.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The surgery was a success. I am managing more pain than I wanted but am sure it will get better soon (especially after I take my vicidan). I am in a soft cast for two weeks then I'll be put into a hard cast when the stitches come out. I think I'll be in a cast for three months before we'll know if the graft took and I'll need a cat scan to determine that. Then they'll have to go in surgically to remove the pins.

The Dr. did say that if the graft does not take then I will have to "deal" with the pain from the dead bone, become arthritic, and over the years loose range of motion. When the arthritis takes over and starts to impair my quality of life then he will perform the second surgery to remove the dead bone. So the good news is that I won't have another surgery on my wrist for a while but if this does not work than I'll get to live with additional arthritis. . . . . yeah.

Again, thanks so much for every ones get well wishes and prayers!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wrist Surgery

On May 18th at 9 a.m. I will be in surgery for my left wrist. The Dr. will hallow out the dead bone in my wrist and then fill it with a bone graft from my arm. I'm sure there will be a bit more pain involved with this surgery than my ankle surgery due to the graft but the Dr. says that I'll be back to work in just a few days.

I would like to ask for prayers on this one. As most of you know, this surgery only has a 40% success rate and if it does not work than I'll have to endure another surgery to remove the dead bone in my wrist and fuse four other bones together to accommodate for the hole left by the missing bone. If this is the case, I'll lose 40-60% of my range of motion in my left wrist.

I know how powerful prayer can be and I am grateful to all my friends and family who have already prayed for me in length ;0)

I'll post again next week to update everyone on my recovery. It will be a few weeks before the Dr. will be able to determine if the graft took but I'll continue to keep everyone updated. Thanks again for all of your support!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reusable Shopping Bags

Kroger, and other grocers, have put together a website were you can create and buy your own reusable shopping bags. I put together 3 designs and the links to view and vote for them are to the right. Whether you vote for mine or not, this is a great idea and I encourage you to use your creativity while making a difference.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ankle Surgery

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! I am happy to report that the surgery went well and I am on the road to recovery. Dr. put me in my walking boot today and I am to ease into it. I'll have PT 3 times a week for four weeks with an estimated 4-6 month full recovery.

Next will be the wrist surgery but I am going to wait until I am stable on my feet before I schedule that one ;0)

Thanks again to everyone, you've been wonderful!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cody is 8!!!

I feel like I should be packing Cody up to go to college!! The boy is going to be as tall as my by the end of the year, I'm sure of it!!!

We didn't do much, just cake and ice cream at our place. Cody actually passed up the opportunity to do Monster Jam . . . no one has quite figured out why. Maybe he's convinced it's just not meant to be after last year ;0)

Thanks to G-G-Ma and G-G-Pa! The boy thought he was "RICH" after your gift. Funny how quickly he went through it . . . now he just reminisces about how he was, "rich once."

Christmas 2008

Soooooo Christmas went fairly well this year. No major catastrophes, no trips to the hospital, and amazingly . . . the kids didn't complain about what they didn't get . . . . that should go down in the history books ;0)

Doesn't our family just look soooooo happy ;0)

It was actually excruciating trying to get everyone to cooperate for this picture . .. go figure ;0)

Cody, of course, enjoyed himself ;0)

Miss everyone, hope y'all had a great Christmas too!!!